Source: The Onerous Burdens of Sex Offender Registration Are Not Punishment, the 10th Circuit Rules. They Just Feel That Way. –
Category: Registration
Wisconsin receives an F+ grade for handling of COVID-19 in prisons | Crime |
“Wisconsin has not done nearly enough to combat the spread of COVID-19 in our jails and prisons,” ACLU organizer Sean Wilson said in a statement. “Wisconsin has repeatedly neglected to release vulnerable people from custody, which has endangered the health…
Full article: Why call someone by what we don’t want them to be? The ethics of labeling in forensic/correctional psychology
“an analysis of the ethics of labeling individuals on the basis of criminal convictions, past behavior or psychological phenomena is presented. It is argued that the use of such labels contradict core ethical principles including beneficence and nonmaleficence, respect for…
Wisconsin election results: Marsy’s Law victims’ rights measure passes
The law is more than flawed… We need to remember what this is implying… and What it is violating… our US constitution! John Adams once said, “It is more important that innocence be protected than it is that guilt be…
Inmate letter reveals concerns about confinement and COVID-19
While the DOC repeatedly says that they ‘have a plan’ to keep the people that are in their care safe. I am not so sure. I’d like to speak to any of the followers here that have a loved one…
Marsy’s Law is creepy and cruel — Tone Madison
the wording of the amendments a “yes” vote would make to our state constitution, you’d think that people accused of crimes in Wisconsin are somehow over-defended. You’d think that prosecutors were scraping by on impossibly low levels of funding while…
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers halting prison admissions to prevent COVID-19 spread | Crime |
The order puts a “moratorium” on prisoner intake for DOC’s prisons and juvenile detention facilities, with the exception of the temporary detention of those on probation, parole or extended supervision. All internal transfers of prisoners within DOC are also suspended…
Wisconsin DOC suspends prison visits during coronavirus outbreak
The Wisconsin Department of Corrections has temporarily suspended all visits to its institutions in effort to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. This includes volunteer visits. “We take our responsibility to protect staff and persons in our care very seriously,…
Fresno Co. CA lifts sex offender residency rules from books | The Fresno Bee
Fresno County was sued over its law and will have to pay a settlement. The California Supreme Court decided in 2015 that blanket residency restrictions were unconstitutional, because they treated every offender equally — whether they exposed themselves in public once or…
Bills to add penalties for threatening probation agents spur debate – Wisconsin Examiner
During his testimony Halsted pressed the importance of hard evidence showing that increasing penalties will deter such acts. “I don’t see why somebody threatening my child should be charged with a lesser crime than someone who threatens a probation agent’s…