Nearly 250 renowned legal and political experts and advocates have signed an open letter to Wisconsin’s governor requesting clemency for Brendan Dassey. Source: Advocates sign letter asking governor to free Brendan Dassey
Month: October 2019
Court sidesteps issue on juvenile sex offenders – Washington Times
Louisiana’s Supreme Court has sidestepped, for now, the question of whether juveniles convicted of sex crimes can be required to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives. Excerpt from the article…. “Advances in law and science recognize…
Letter, 10/11: Time to abolish sex offender registry | Letters |
Thirty people personally attended the recent special Judiciary Committee hearing on the public sex offense registry. The message is clear — the registry needs to be abolished, not merely reformed. Source: Letter, 10/11: Time to abolish sex offender registry |…
Virginia has a new name for convicted felons | Editorials |
“A state-issued ID can be the key to finding opportunity after incarceration, from connecting with social services, to opening a bank account, getting a job, securing stable housing, and pursuing an education,” Northam said in the press release. “We are…