There are many things that can be said about this article. The one I’d like all to take away from it is that, someone was forced to wear a device that after they obtained permission and was told that their device would be updated, a tax-payer paid worker didn’t update the record, then an innocent man was arrested and incarcerated for a period of time because of a paperwork mistake. Tax-payer funds were used to issue that warrant, to dispatch the officers do serve the warrant, and the cost to the family to go pick him up from jail once he was released from his false imprisonment, because of a paperwork mistake.
There was no accountability and I can assure you, the probation agent didn’t think anything of it, because to them it was just “a paperwork mistake” that had real life consequences for another human being.
The documents state that Ruffolo had asked his agent for permission to extend his curfew on Jan. 24 so he could attend an event. The agent gave him permission to be out until midnight. However, the GPS schedule was mistakenly not reset for the adjusted curfew.